June 17, 2014
 Shift to PVC Windows

  Japan has been inferior to the Western nations in the insulation performance of windows. Through the earthquakes, however, the significance of the energy was reviewed. Along with that, house builders and each window manufacturer created a cooperation structure in terms of a revision of energy saving standard and an establishment of the front-runner system in building products. These were done as one of national policies. The Western countries have started to shift to PVC windows.

  YKK AP released APW430 (coefficient of overall heat transmission : 0.91W/m2K) and fire-proofed PVC windowsiAPW330). They aim at 30% of their window shipments with these 2 products. By Sankyo Tateyama, Inc. SankyoAlumi-Company, “Triple SMARJU” with 0.86W/m2K of coefficient of overall heat transmission was released. LIXIL also announced its policy aiming at 70% of their window shipments with PVC windows and hybrid aluminum PVC windows, and released “SAMOS HRF,” a hybrid aluminum PVC window, for a renovation of condominiums. This fall, they plan to release a new PVC window. A pioneer of PVC windows, EXCEL SHANON Corporation, last spring launched “Triple Shanon II” with 0.8W/m2K of coefficient of overall heat transmission. They recently added another evolutionary line-up, the Slim-Series.